Speech Analyzer: A 3 or 4 dimensional Spectrum Analyzer for Sound or Vibrations, suitable for hearing impaired as bio feed back of speech. Foreign Language Learning, Mimic Stage Artists, Vibration Analysis
Optokinetic Stimulator : Simulates Nystagmus and Eye Tracking. Used by Super Speciali- -ties like Neuro-otology, Neurology, Ophthalmology etc. for Diagnosis
Caloric Irrigator :Simulates Nystagmus and Eye Tracking. Used by Super Speciali- -ties like Neuro-otology, Neurology, Ophthalmology etc. for Diagnosis
Cranio Carpography Apparatus : Simulates Nystagmus and Eye Tracking. Used by Super Speciali- -ties like Neuro-otology, Neurology, Ophthalmology etc. for Diagnosis
Accupunctoscope : It detects and stimulates the ill (Points with lower electrical resistance or related to the illness) points. Economical and battery operated
FM Hearing Aid : Group or commercial use like cinema. TV Viewing. Can be modified for ICCU
Salt Bath Sterilizer for Dentists : Useful for Dental surgeons to quickly sterilize the tool tips by dipping in the hot salt or glass bead bath
Sensito Meter : Biothesiometer developed to detect vibration perception threshold